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About Royal Recipe TCM (RRTCM) is pursuing a natural and harmonious way to take care ofthe human body. With the most original ecology method, About Royal Recipe TCM (RRTCM) able to soothe every area of the human body.
天然,健康,绿色有效的养生之道是 About Royal Recipe TCM (RRTCM) 所积极追求的是一种自然,和谐,健康,品味,至高生活标准,倡导回归自然,回归健康的新概念,拥有最具原生态,最健康,最天然且能对人体全方位调理的养生项目。

Herbal Spa 瑶浴
We are using traditional Chinese Herbs. You will enjoy soakingyour body three times for about 10 minutes in warm herbal waterwhich will help your body to promote blood circulation, liver andgallbladder detoxification, driving away cold and dampness,.strenathen the spleen and detox your stomach-improving youroverall health, skin, beauty and well being.
我们配用传统中草药结合三进三出疗法和渗透,达到活血化瘀,肝胆排毒,驱寒祛湿,健脾养胃排毒养颜 通脉,同时让您的皮肤更加光彩照人。
We care about your Health and Body

Through professional Bojin techniques, it can penetrate the skin, relaxing all the meridian points, relieving fatigue and improving blood circulation. It helps purify the blood, eliminate toxins, and relieve tension in the shoulders, neck, and lower back. Long-term benefits of Bojin include preventing stiff neck, constipation, numbness, headaches, enhancing muscle vitality, and alleviating back pain.
MTM Meridian 牛角拔筋

Lymphatic Drainage Detoxification 淋巴排毒
Hundreds of disease originates from toxins in the body. By detoxingwe can bring out our inner glow, improve our health and immunesystem. Start detoxing while you are young and enjoy the healthbenefits.Le's be healthy and start detoxing!Lympathic Drainge Detoxification is suitable for pepple who have anxiety.poor immune system, blood circlation, dark complexion and big lymph.It is also recommended for people with bad lifestyle habits such as, toxicovreload, constipation, irregular diet and exercises.
适用人群: 体毒过多久坐不运动,淋巴结肿大,抵抗力免疫力差、肢循环不畅,长斑长痘,气血瘀滞,情绪低落,郁闷,烦躁,脾气急燥,易惊易恐,青筋暴露,手足抽筋,肠胃功能失调引,起的排便不正常,腹胀胃胀,肠胃湿热,宿便多,皮肤粗糙,灰暗无光,口苦口臭,易胖易瘦,饮食无规律等人群。

Underarm Lymphatic DrainageDetoxification 腋下淋巴排毒 40min
Groin Lymphatic Drainage Detoxification 腹股沟淋巴排毒 40min
TCM Breast Lymphatic Drainage Detoxification with Herbal 中草药乳腺淋巴排毒 60min
TCM Liver & Gallbladder Detoxification with Herbal 中草药肝、胆排毒 60min
TCM Stomach Detoxification with Herbal 中草药肠胃排毒 60min

During the Han dunasty, in the book of' yellow Emperor's CanonMoxibustion is being recognized sa an unique treatment slow results inmedications. with the help of moxibustion, one can improve health bypromoting blood circulation, expelling the evil spirit such as wind, heatand humidity.
Moxibustion Herb Teatment 艾灸调理
Should &NeckTreatment肩、颈调理 60minVeritable Treatment脊椎调理 60min
Kidney Treatment肾脏保养 60min
Liver Treatment 肝脏保养 60min
Breast Treatment 胸部保养 60min
Ovary Treatment 卵巢保养 60min
Leg Treatment 腿足保养 60min
Head Treatment 头部保养 60min
Facial Treatment 艾灸美容 90min
Eye Treatment 眼部护理 40min

The Service Catalog of Royal Recipe TCM (RRTCM)
We want you to enjoy your precious time with us, having a pleasant experience and receiving strong motivation and encouragement to live a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle. Our approach is holistic, gentle, and warm, viewing the body, mind, and spirit as a single entity. Therefore, we have designed a five-dimensional health concept based on a scientific health formula that clears, detoxifies, removes lesions, replenishes organs, and regulates physical fitness. We are eager to provide you with personalized advice and are pleased to adjust our treatments according to your specific needs and requirements. Our RRTCM Beauty & Wellness team is looking forward to serving you.
Royal Recipe TCM (RRTCM) 团队成员期待您的光临。
Sandra Wu & Team Member of Sixth Sense Beauty Group