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Lian DeQiang

Senior TCM Doctor

* 南京中医药大学中医内科博士
* 广州中医药大学中医学士
* 新加坡中医学院中医学士
* 新加坡中医管理委员会注册全科中医师
* 新加坡中医公会会员
* 世界手法医学会(新加坡)理事

* PhD from Nanjing University of TCM
* Bachelor's Degree from Guangzhou University of TCM
* Bachelor's Degree from Singapore College of TCM
* Singapore Registered TCM Physician
* Member of Singapore Chinese Physician's Association
* Director of World Manipulative Medicine Association(Singapore)

Common symptoms (常见症状):
Cervical spondylosis (颈椎病)
Low back pain with leg pain (腰腿痛)
Adhesive capsulitis (肩周炎)
Gynecology (妇科):
Menstrual disorders (月经不调)
Infertility (不孕不育)
Menopausal disorders (更年期病症)
Internal Medicine (内科):
Gastrointestinal diseases (胃肠病)
Pulmonary diseases (肺部疾病)
Sub-health condition adjustment (亚健康调理)
Insomnia (失眠)
Neurasthenia (神经衰弱)
Bipolar disorder (躁狂抑郁)
Chronic diseases (慢性病)
Chronic fatigue syndrome (疲劳综合征)
Tumor management (肿瘤调理)
Acupuncture (针灸):
Post-stroke sequelae (中风后遗症)
Weight loss (减肥)
Body shaping (塑型)
Dermatology (皮肤科):
Eczema (湿疹)
Urticaria (荨麻疹)
Psoriasis (银屑病)
Facial lifting (面部提升)